arquivo de projetos
 2024. |        the atlas of poverty

   2023  |        Map-Poems (on going)

   2023   |        Lumpensammler (on going)

2023  |        Ways to materialize promises
2023  |         (,,,) And he told me:
“You are going to war.”

 2023 |        To Carry The World on Its Back (or the atlas on war)

2023  |         Counting Slates (Cerco do Porto)

2022 |      A decade of Drawing

2022 |        Postcards (from Correspondence
with Teresa Chow)

2022 |        Dias Opacos (with Teresa Chow)

2021 |          Folding stars or following paper

2021 |          Mills That Grind So Slowly

2020  |        Correspondence (or a continious visual poem) (with Teresa Chow)

2019 |         Brahe, the man without a Nose

2018 |       Galileo

2018 |       Mars

2018 |        KEPLER


2016-19 |     FOLDING

2018 |       DUST

2018 |     Virginia Woolf


2015-16 |       RIMBAUD

2015 |       JUPITER